Seeing how the demon will certainly smash your head in with a trash can, you fold you hands together and reach out to the only one left you hope can save you: Ian Staley. God. You aren't sure how you know the name. Were you told about him in a past life or something?

"Please, oh gentle and friendly God Ian, if you get me out of this, I will never sin again. No more drinking, no more random acts of rage. I'll be completely uninteresting to any potential audience. You can count on me. You know me better than anyone, Sweet creator, so you know I am telling the truth. Please let me live."

You wait for a response. It arrives suddenly in the form of the biggest burst of laughter you have ever heard. Ian is laughing at you? Is God actually an asshole? You turn your head to survey the area. No cars. Just you and a ominous laugh. And Dominique. She is the one laughing at you. 

"This keeps getting better and better. You think Ian is going to save you? You think all that heaven and Hell creator stuff is what you think it is? Well, I have news for you... no wait. I'll just show you instead." Dominque pulls out a portal gun from under her cape. She aims it at the ground and shoots the ground creating a giant blue portal on the ground. "Follow me!" Dominique falls into the portal and disappears. 

Jump in after her.

Jump in after her immediately!

No, seriously, you're going to want to jump into the portal. Trust me.