"I think this was one. Three demons walk into a bar. One is a dentist, the another one is a pediatrist and the last one is a uh... hmmm. I can't remember what the last one is but the punchline was a kick in the teeth."

"That's a joke about demons?

"Not originally. I think it was about an insurance salesman actually."

"Even worse" says Nicky. "Is that the last one?"

"Yeah, I guess. No wait, I thought of another one! No wait, that was about lemons, not demons. So, yeah, I'm out."


Throw a garbage can at him.     Pull his cape over his head like a hockey fight!     

Ask him a question.     Make a joke.


Accept your death like a man or woman or other depending on how you identify.

Hit on him.     Pray.


demon front facing