"Hey Demon! Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?" you scream.

"My name is Dominic, but you can call me Nicky Sanderson." She turns and looks at the few people still eating their meals in their cars. "And I'm here to kill you really scary-like! Really scary! You hear me?!?" She growls loudly and her eyes go from yellow to pure white. "You better all run away if you don't to see one those really violent things happen!" The cars quickly all peal out of the parking lot leaving only you and the demon. 

"I thought they would never leave. Now we can really get down to business."

You aren't quite sure what that means, buy you've learned "get down to business" usually isn't meant the fun way when said like that. Usually. At any rate, you are happy to still be alive. 


Throw a garbage can at him.     Pull his cape over his head like a hockey fight!     

Ask him a question.     Make a joke.


Accept your death like a man or woman or other depending on how you identify.

Hit on him.     Pray.


white eyes