You disregard his warnings and grab another garbage can. This is a packed place with a lot of garbage cans, I guess. Too many to count. You launch it at him. "Take that, vile DEMON!!!" Boy, you really do have a death wish, don't you? You close your eyes and wait for his attack. Then you wait a little longer. And longer. And longer...

You squint your eyes open. He's still just standing there. "OK, look. I asked you not to do that again. Now you're going to make do something I really do not want to do" He pushes out his chest! "Now it's you time to die!" He raises his fists with the garbage can above his head. "Say your prays."


Throw a garbage can at him.     Pull his cape over his head like a hockey fight!     

Ask him a question.     Make a joke.


Accept your death like a man or woman or other depending on how you identify.

Hit on him.     Pray.

demon trash can over head