Thinking quickly, well for you at least, you scoop up a nearby garbage can and heave it at him. THWAP!!! As it connects with him you have two simultaneous thoughts. 1) Surprise that you're still alive and 2) Aren't onamonapias fun? You look at the demon and he is holding the garbage can rifling through it. He glances you up and down. "That could have hurt someone, you know. Please don't throw anything else at me."
Wait... what? You were expecting the graveyard picture and the sad music. .... You heard the music before, right? Yet, this time nothing. Is he going to make a move at you?
Throw another garbage can at him. Pull his cape over his head like a hockey fight!
Ask him a question. Make a joke.
Accept your death like a man or woman or other depending on how you identify.
Hit on him. Pray.