You scream “Die, geology or geography teacher!” as you throw your fists into the air and begin kicking the old man. There’s an adage as old as the man himself that says never to kick your old geology or geography teacher, but you throw caution and a few of his teeth to the wind and continue. 

You cause quite a scene for no real reason. These violent rages are something you have tried to work on in your group therapy, but you were asked to leave the group after several others developed PTSD not from their experiences in the military, but from sitting next to you in a drafty gymnasium for 6 weeks talking about their feelings. The court case that followed wasn’t very pleasant either. You feel they failed to deliver on their promises of it being a safe space to be yourself, but the jury disagreed. 

Jail was fun. You made several friends. You should give them a call and catch up sometime. Last you heard Bullet Bill got married and moved out into the suburbs. He goes by Willy now and you’ve always l;aughed at how Bullet Willy sounds. 

As you conclude your kicking spree and a small crowd gathers, you notice something you didn’t before. The exposed bones appear to be made of metal. And not just calcium like a normal person. This is cold hard steel. Could it be a metal appendage? No, you quickly dismiss that thought as irritational. Your geology or geography teacher is surely a robot. Your violent rage wasn’t just another unprovoked attempted murder. It was a first strike against the oncoming war against the machines. You knew those were documentaries and training guides, not just Hollywood entertainment. 

This robot must be taken out of the equation before it is too late. How many more are there? Has he already communicated with the others using his cybernetic brain powers? Are more already coming to his defense? Are the surrounding people all robots too? Is this the beginning of the uprising? Or are you maybe going crazy and imagining things again to pass the time?

No. Not this time. You stand the advantage this time and he knows it. You’ve already knocked him down and now it's time to finish the job. 

Finish him!