Your mother would not be pleased with you. You don’t listen to directions and do whatever you want. Alright then, you want to be here in this space, do you? Well, live it up here in this vast emptiness of your soul. You could have done so much more. There are demons, robots and a literal god to discover in the other nodes of this game. Here, all you’ll find is you silently reflecting on what could have been. Set up a chair for yourself and sit in the corner while the rest of us continue down our paths of adv...antageous outcomes. 

It is worthwhile to commend you on your originality I suppose. There is something to be said for not sticking with the herd, but it is risky. The gazelle that separates from the herd is the one that dies in a bloody mess of guts on the ground in the Serengeti. “Are there gazelles still in the Serengeti” you wonder as the sun bakes down into you. You drift off into eternal sleep as a tiger takes away your neck and legs leaving the rest of you for the vultures. Life’s brutal sometimes when you don’t follow instructions. That’s the lesson here. That chair you set up in the corner couldn’t save you this time. 

This is the end times, man. Your life flashes before your eyes and you aren’t even in it. A life unlived and untouched by the outside world. Why don’t you hit back and try another choice and see if you can touch others? Not like that. Well, except for a few times. 


You may either go back and try again or start over