“He’s super scary! Just look at him in that blazer. And carrying that bag! He could hurt someone.”
She picks up her baby out of the stroller and looks you into your eyes. “What did you just say about Bill? You think he’s scary?”
You sense she is serious in her tone, so you decide to back off a little. “Well, maybe not scary really. Just somewhat startling. You know, like a clown.”
“A clown?”
“Yeah, like they’re a little creepy even when you know they are going to be there. He’s like a clown that sneaks up on you, so you just run away.
“I see” Mrs. Bill says. "Well you know, there’s something I should tell you about him.”
“OK, look lady, I didn’t mean any offense. You asked what I thought and I told you. I really should be going now."
“There is something about Bill you should know before you leave. He’s not the scary one. I am.”
You look her in her eyes and see that they’ve become red like a demon. You may have run in the past from things, but this one is a mini-boss you can’t get away from. Enter the fight and see if you survive.