You turn and book it. You are a lot of things, but a fighter you are not. A juggler, sure, a man or woman with an enlarged head, totally, a person that accepts donations sent to most certainly, but a fighter, absolutely not. You were never raised to fight you don’t think. You don’t have memories before seeing the scary man approach you, but you feel like that must be true based on how easy of a decision it was to run. You turn to look back at the man and see him standing there confused with a bag in his hand.
What is in that bag? You feel compelled to hit back in your browser and find out, but you are distracted by running right into something and falling to the ground. What was it? You turn to see you have clipped the edge of a baby stroller. The baby is still sleeping untouched inside, but the woman pulling it back away from you does not look pleased. In fact, you can tell she is the type to press charges, so you better continue on your way. You try to jump up and continue but she steps in front of you blocking you.
“Why did you run away from my husband? Did he go on about his crazy theories again?
Say he was scary so you bolted!
So usually there is a 2, but not this time. Don’t click this one, deal?